
Victoria 2 World Conquest

Victoria 2 World Conquest 5,8/10 3149 reviews

.Victoria II. is a grand strategy game played during the colonial era of the 19th century, where the player takes control of a country, guiding it through industrialisation, political reforms, military conquest, and colonization. Victoria 2 has the best UI, soundtrack and gameplay out of all paradox titles, change my mind. Vic2 World Domination in Vicky 2? (self.paradoxplaza) submitted 5 years ago by rfranke727. D Conquest CB takes 360 days which means you could have 100 of them, which means its impossible:D. Victoria II was released on August 22, 2010. Political reforms, military conquest and colonisation. Guide the USA to its Manifest Destiny, Make United Kingdom into a world-spanning empire,.

This write-up is regarded as for the present edition of the sport.For those coming to the Victoria business with the launch of Victoria lI, diplomacy and combat can be a little bit staggering. Conquests generate, which in switch can cause the entire world to declare battle on a player if it goes above 25 infamy.

As for more peaceful forms of extension, it can seem that the entire world is usually enjoying a diplomatic sport that is definitely against the player at all situations. In reality, some players have complained that the game seems to punish imperialism against types neighbours, and benefits sitting close to and not really obtaining in to wars. This can be not actually the situation; nevertheless, until you understand the AI's i9000 habits and how certain game technicians work, the path to conquest can be a bit opaque, especially with the adjustments to rules that came out in plot 1.2. With that in thoughts, I have got created a tutorial to help direct you in these issues.Take note: This guidebook presumes a working knowledge of game mechanics, as explained by both the guide and lessons.

It also presumes that the player has played at minimum one game under the changes in 1.2; if you are usually very fresh to the game and just experience your method around, this guidebook might end up being less helpful to you thán some others. Contents.Choosing Appropriate Goals for ConquestThe 1st factor you possess to understand before declaring a single war is that the jealously guard against all imperiaIism except their own, very much like their 19tl Hundred years counterparts. The Al in Victoria lI is programmed not only to beat its neighbors through wars, but also to prevent others from doing the exact same. The Good Strengths will frequently put various other nations in their in order to obtain their resources, and sometimes they will form alliances mainly because well.

Nevertheless, the greatest device the have is certainly the ability to intervene in wars that others possess began. This can become a true problem, because the last issue anyone desires is certainly the United Kingdom sending a thousand brigades to get involved in your conquést of a coIonial concession in China and taiwan.But can just get involved in wars when they have a diplomatic position of Friendly with the nation that will be being bombarded AND when the nation in question has not really included any wargoals. This means that there are usually a few of rules you can adhere to to ensure that you do not operate afoul of the Great Capabilities when you would like to beat your enemies.Principle #1: Perform NOT strike any country that has Friendly position with some other unless you want them to get involved. If a country has a position of Safe with a Good Power, think about it a conviction that the Good Strength will intervene to cease your aggression, unless your MIL score is significantly bigger than the Good Power in issue.Principle #2: Assault countries early and frequently. The longer the video game will go on, the more nations that will fall into the of Great Power or have got Friendly status with them. You might be tempted to wait until you develop Nationalism and Imperialism so that you can make use of the cheaper Protéctorate casus belli tó annex multi-staté uncivilized nations for only eight infamy, but 1.2 decreased the effectiveness of this technologies by making it difficult to Protectorate any uncivilized nation with five state governments or more.

This usually includes the uncivilized nations that are most beneficial, including,. You should end up being building ships and brigades to assault uncivilized countries from time one if your lengthy term strategy includes overcoming items of and.Guideline #3: When attacked by various other countries, feel free of charge to slap them around. Cannot intervene in unpleasant wars, so if you foe has added a wargoal, it's time to crush them.Guideline #4: Excellent Powers will occasionally intervene in bigger wars that you start against additional Great Forces. The arranged up appearance like this: Say you are, and you announce war on. Austria provides in its allies, like. If provides Friendly status with, Russia might intervene on the side of Austria tó “protect”.

This will be far less particular than an intervention in a battle declared directly against Serbia, but it remains a chance. You should possess a contingency plan in situation this happens, or nullify this issue by making use of your influence.Influence: An Offensive WeaponIt may seem counterintuitive, but the guidelines I outlined in the earlier section should illustrate one of the nearly all important and minimum understood parts of the diplomatic game in Victoria II. Influence is not really simply a device for soft imperialism (putting countries in your S0I). As of patch 1.2, Impact is definitely, in fact, a weapon to become used liberally in advancing your very own conquests and limiting the conquests óf others. It is usually a pity that too many participants just look at Impact as a way to expand economic markets by including countries to your S0I or as á way of unifying Philippines and Italy, because when you correctly use you own Impact, you can counteract the ability of various other Great Forces to get involved against your conquésts and you cán prevent the imperialistic goals of various other Great Capabilities.But how do you do all of this with Influence?First, you must remember that Excellent Power can just get involved in a war if they have got Friendly position with a combatant. This indicates that if you desire to annex an uncivilized country like Brunei, you have to create sure no other Great Strengths have got Friendly standing with Brunei, in any other case they will likely get involved and create your lifestyle hard. But you can remove that Helpful status using your own influence.

This requires time, specifically if the Good Power really desires to keep their relations up with the country in query. But with enough effort, you can not only pry minor capabilities out of thé SOIs of Great Powers, but you can get rid of the likelihood of the Great Energy intervening in a war of conquest.Maintain in mind that once you reduce the Good Energy in query to Good or worse, there is definitely nothing halting them from attempting to obtain back again to Friendly. If you announce war too soon after decreasing them to Cordial, they other Good Energy will merely generate impact back to Safe and then get involved six months into your battle. And you cannot use your impact once you declare war on a country, so you cannot prevent their diplomacy. The greatest option you have is certainly to decrease them to Cordial, and after that prohibit their embassy. That purchases you at least a year, not counting the influence they possess to produce to obtain back to Safe. Finish your battle rapidly and there is usually nothing the some other Great Strength can do to cease your aggression.Impact can furthermore be utilized to block the imperialism of various other Great Powers.

The AI is certainly designed to regard Friendly standing when you have got a great MIL rating. Open iv. Therefore, if you are one of the world'beds leading military services power, you can defend minor capabilities without actually getting an connections or placing them in yóur SOI by purchasing yourself up to Friendly status. Some other Great Capabilities will take take note of your status and will leave the minimal power by itself until they conquer you out there or you are included in a battle elsewhere.Also more interesting, if you think one component of the world provides the potential to end up being a flashpoint for future issues, it might pay to invest some impact so you possess the best to intervene. Gaining Friendly status with nations like Wallachia, Asia, China and taiwan, Egypt, the 0ttoman Empire, and Dénmark (before German born Unification) will give you the option to meddle in these issues if you therefore choose.China and taiwan warrants a exclusive mention here.

The Good Powers easily recognize the significance China provides in the world. Any seriously industrialized Good Energy that manages to get China into their SOI will experience a considerable economic increase, as China and taiwan has the largest single market on the earth. This is usually not news to anyone. What is definitely more fascinating to believe about is definitely how both the United Kingdom and the European Empire like to tug at parts of China for themselves. Unless you are the United Empire yourself, it can be to your détriment that the Unitéd Empire annexes pieces of China or snags the whole nation into its S0I. At the same time, China and taiwan's rating is so high, actually as an uncivilized nation, that generating influence will be difficult. Assuming you perform not need to concede the marketplace of China and taiwan to the United Empire and Russia, and assuming you wish a piece of it for yourself, after that what can you do?

Very first, I would annéx either Korea ór Dai Nam tó obtain a land boundary with China. This can make generating Influence much less difficult.

Second, and this is usually vitally essential, you need to obtain yourself to Safe standing without screwing over the other Great Strengths that are not really the United Kingdom. You should concentrate your Impact on either improving yourself or reducing the United Kingdom's placement.

If Italy wants to generate Influence, let them. Because chances are usually that the various other Great Strengths will maintain trying to set up a placement in China, and the United Empire will end up being pushed to invest Impact in ridiculous amounts to deal with the some other Great Power. Banning Portugal from China and taiwan only helps the United Kingdom focus on you.Once you possess Friendly position, you possess to determine whether you believe you can put China and taiwan into your SOI and maintain it there, or whether you need items of it fór yourself. If yóu possess enough impact to put China and taiwan in your SOI and keep it, despite the efforts of the Good Forces, you might simply because well move for it. Annexing a condition or two will not really bring the same economic advantages that putting them in your SOI may.

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Of course, determining to perform this will probably consume almost all of your Impact for the sleep of the game; the additional Great Strengths will never ever leave China and taiwan by itself.If you select to take a item for yourself, think about also hurting the United Kingdom at the same period. The United Kingdom generally offers a property border with China through Burma, which they almost always get over quite earlier in the sport. This can make it simple for the United Kingdom to create Impact with China and seep into. To resolve this problem, why not really make use of the Free of charge People battle goal and liberate Chinese provinces that boundary the United Kingdom/Burma? You get a piece of China that will immediately be in your S0I, and you cán use it as a barrier condition to maintain the Uk from getting as much diplomatic power in China.

You can furthermore demand those provinces ás a Colonial Concéssion, but that wiIl give you a land border with the Uk. Depending on your long term technique this might be a poor idea.Regulating InfamyUnless you get fortunate with random occasions or perform a nation that has cores on a neighbor, unpleasant wars will create infamy. Some participants like to wait until they get a genuine casus belli só they can announce battle without infamy strikes; however, opposite to what some players state, all nations reduce infamy fairly quickly while at peacefulness. For every five decades at tranquility, a country manages to lose six infamy.

One will get rid of 120 infamy during an entire sport. This may not really appear like a lot, but it can become budgeted in like a method as to allow for a lot of conquest without waiting around for random events. Think about the sticking with points.Very first, the almost all expensive way to annex area will be via the Conquést wargoal. This cán normally only become done to civil countries that comprise only a single state (it may furthermore be used in wars bétween uncivs). It expenses 20 infamy, making it a horrendously expensive.

In most situations, annexing small forces in this style is not really worthy of the infamy. You would do much better to put them in your sphere instead.The Acquire a State wargoal is definitely the next most costly. It expenses 10 infamy per state, regardless of whether yóu annex a one province state or seven province condition. In conditions of infamy, this can be still expensive; however, it also only applies to civil nations and full states, not really colonies. Colonies of civil countries are usually acquired using the Location in the Sunlight casus belli, which expenses 9 infamy. This will be still costly, but it will suggest that mastering colonies from your neighbors before they turn out to be states is definitely to become chosen.In conditions of uncivilized countries, annexing a condition via the CoIonial Concession wargoal only costs 4 infamy.

Full conquest of an uncivilized country via the Protectorate wargoal only costs 8 infamy. You can only Protectorate one condition uncivilized countries earlier in the game, but the NationaIism and Imperialism technologies enables for the annéxation of uncivilized states with upward to four claims.But there are other methods to broaden your foundation of energy. You can power a nation into your S0I via the Insert to Sphere wargoal for just 5 infamy, regardless of size; however, this just functions on countries that are usually currently not really in an SOI, and various other Great Power will intervene if they have got Friendly status. You can furthermore liberate a country that provides been conquered by another nation for 3 infamy per condition using the Free of charge People wargoal, and the recently liberated nation will be in your SOI.There are usually furthermore a several wargoals that do not directly expand your own power, but penalize other countries. The Trim Down to Dimension wargoal funds you income from the defeated enemy and halves their military at the price of 11 infamy. Humiliation costs 3 infamy, and Publishing Puppets costs 0.5 infamy. Furthermore, consuming a nation out of your foe's SOI and placing them in your SOI only expenses 4 infamy, as opposed to the 5 infamy of Combine to Sphere.There are a quantity of important classes to be used from these expenses, and you would perform properly to keep them in thoughts.1.

If you are usually fascinated in obtaining large swaths of property, you should be attacking uncivilized nations and you should research Nationalism and lmperialism ASAP. You shouId also be attacking them early and frequently, to prevent other Excellent Capabilities from protecting them.2. Getting land aside from civil countries is definitely generally very costly. You should be design the possibility of boundary disputes (really low relationships and a typical border) in purchase to create the needed random activities. And when you obtain them, use them efficiently by annexing the right says.3.

If you desire to cripple another Good Energy, you perform not need to get property. That is certainly too costly. Instead, use the Free People wargoal to dismember your enemies inexpensively.

The best method to perform this will be to either liberate individuals straight, or place a country in your sphere that provides cores on your foe (Egypt offers cores on thé Ottoman Empire, fór illustration). Then you can harden your very own SOI by beating down other Great Capabilities cheaply and effectively.4. Maintain your wars short; you shed extremely little infamy while you are usually in a state of battle, irrespective of who started the war or the war goals included. While it might end up being luring to pull China and taiwan into a five 12 months war for five colonial concessions, you finish up observe your spending your infamy much better by quickly operating up a warscoré of 25% through battles and demanding one or two expresses in a battle that continues six weeks or a yr. You can continually demand even more concessions later on after the tréaty expires, although thé best RGOs are most likely in a several select claims.Long Term Methods for ConquestWhile it can end up being gratifying to simply conquer large tracts of property, you really should make intelligent choices when it arrives to conquests.

Supposing you are not heading to get over the whole world, you have to make some tough options on where to assault and when.One factor can be that while fossil fuel and metal are precious in the early game, in the past due game, fossil fuel and metal are usually oversupplied on the world marketplace. In the late video game, the almost all beneficial RGOs are usually timber, plastic, essential oil, and valuable metals.Thanks the United Empire's vast consumption of timber in countless paper generators, you will find it hard to supply your personal needs in the past due game if you perform not overcome other resources.As for plastic, while the world'beds offer might appear large, it can be even more than feasible to make use of up the world'h offer for two factors. First, plenty of the rubber in the world can be to become discovered in either uncivilized nations or reduced tech civilized countries. Putting these nations in your sphere will not help raise their production; conquest will guarantee not only a regular source, but that your technology and facilities can end up being used to acquire the maximum amount. Second, the demand for silicone shoots up because it can be used in multiple levels of the production of high tech extravagance goods like aeroplanes and autos, to say nothing at all of expensive military products like barrels.Essential oil is furthermore an important reference if you are not really the United Expresses or Russia. If you plan to build many cruiser motorcycles and dreadnoughts, you will need to improve hundreds of units of gas a day, which in turn will require properly over a hundred units of oil a day.

Buying your very own offer will create for some extremely important RGOs.As for precious metals, they are usually pure profit, and you can find several of these RG0s in Johore, parts of China and taiwan and Japan, and in parts of Africa.Maintaining these ideas in thoughts, the Nederlander colonial belongings in the Pacific Ocean are in fact very useful in the past due game, thanks a lot to essential oil, rubber, and precious alloys. They are furthermore near beneficial uncivilized countries like Siam ánd Brunei which furthermore provide these assets. A player that is usually thinking ahead might begin annexing those expresses during the very first fifty percent of the sport in purchase to get those critical resources. With some focus, you can control good enough of the world's i9000 source of rubber to become capable to produce all the vehicles, electric things, and airplanes the world marketplace demands. This can become very profitable.Another thing to consider is definitely that carving credits out of China and taiwan can provide plenty of timber, coal, and iron, in addition to a wide variety of additional assets. If you would like to crack the United Empire's monopoly on herbal tea, conquering large servings of China and using advanced technologies to the farming of teas will provide your very own SOI with plenty of teas; nevertheless, it will furthermore oversupply the world marketplace, lowering the price even more.Egypt is certainly a good focus on for annexation, but only for its inhabitants density around Cairo. Ethiopia is certainly a good target as properly, though the espresso RGOs will oversuppIy coffee to yóur SOI unless yóu have got enough POPs to eat it.

Morocco can end up being a tempting focus on, but unless you expect to colonize Cameras, the resources there are usually not appealing good enough to justify the infamy cost. Abu Dubai might be a tempting focus on for the oil they will find out later on in the sport, but places like Brunei offer more.Northern Cameras and the Center East are usually not really the greatest areas for imperialism (main Africa has accessibility to rubber, a important reference if you can obtain individuals to proceed to those provinces). They possess says with reduced populations and assets that are not actually crucial. You will spend infamy annexing these expresses for little advantage, unless you require naval angles for colonial range.Last ThoughtsMuch like the historical Conjunction of Europe, the Great Capabilities in Victoria II will aggressively try to restrict territorial growth by some other countries. However, like your 19tl Century counterparts, you can perform a intelligent diplomatic sport and organise the international policy of rival countries in like a way as to achieve your targets. Just remember to avoid making hasty decisions for battle. Always think five to twenty years in progress, thinking of how you might set up an rival nation therefore that when the time is best, you can strike at them without anyone arriving to their aid.

Start by assaulting Morocco, and consuming everything except their funds; this prevents the typical Moroccan partition between Spain, Portugal, and the Nederlander. This provides 16 infamy. To proceed over the restriction of 25 to provoke containment wars, D0W Tibet with thé CONQUEST wargoal(not really establish protectorate: constantly use conquest since it gives more prestige).

This furthermore provides you a boundary with China and taiwan, which will create it less complicated getting them in your sphere(China should end up being the just country you actually attempt to impact, except maybe Belgium). At this point, the Dutch will DOW Belgium; honor the contact from Belgium and get all Dutch belongings outside their homeIand(this will price nearly 100 warscore, therefore put your Asian steam transfers to great make use of). The Norwegian and Russians will furthermore state containment wars. You would like to take every German colony(especially AIgeria and Tunisia) ánd Alaska from Russiá.

Occupying these ánd succeeding colonial battles and blockades should end up being sufficient, but if not really, test luring the French onto the Sales channel islands and the Russiáns onto Osel ánd beating them after blocking the straits with your navy. In Asian countries, Make use of your American indian armies and your Chinese ally to get over every unciv. Keep in mind to get Madagascar early therefore that Portugal does not annex it; likewise, conquer Hawaii and Haiti before the Us spheres them.

South Usa fields very féw brigades át this time, só start with VenezueIa, Uruguay, and CoIombia and work dówn towards Peru, Ecuadór, and Chile. l bombarded Argentina as well late, and they today have got a enormous army, so it's possibly best to strike them(and Brazilian) early. The USCA is nice because once you decrease them to Guatemala, they turn out to be Guatemala, and you can break the truce without penalties. Planet Conquest This is definitely a rough information on how to overcome the whole world with the United Empire, based on this AAR:Decades(1836-1850s/60s)You desire to strip every European country of all their Photography equipment, Cookware, and American colonies so we possess free rule in Africa and Asian countries. Accept the alliance with Belgium(só you can obtain into a battle with the Dutch and get their colonies). Early nationwide foci should become used to encourage clergy, and tó colonise in Indian Colombia, the island destinations off Far east Africa, and the Bali area.Instantly disband all Native indian infantry and change them with cavaIry. For the initial few years, build specifically cavalry and artillery.

Start developing about 250 steam transfers and 50 commerce raiders: these will become utilized for blockades and transporting troops around the world.Start by attacking Morocco, and acquiring everything except their capital; this helps prevent the normal Moroccan partition between Italy, Portugal, and the Nederlander. This provides 16 infamy. To go over the limit of 25 to induce containment wars, D0W Tibet with thé CONQUEST wargoal(not really establish protectorate: usually make use of conquest since it provides more respect). This also gives you a boundary with China, which will create it less complicated obtaining them in your sphere(China and taiwan should become the only country you ever attempt to impact, except probably Belgium).At this point, the Nederlander will DOW Belgium; honour the contact from Belgium and consider all Nederlander possessions outside their homeIand(this will cost almost 100 warscore, therefore place your Asian steam transfers to great use). The Finnish and Russians will also state containment wars. You wish to get every Norwegian colony(especially AIgeria and Tunisia) ánd Alaska from Russiá. Occupying these ánd succeeding colonial battles and blockades should be sufficient, but if not really, consider luring the Finnish onto the Funnel island destinations and the Russiáns onto Osel ánd beating them after obstructing the straits with your navy blue.After you complete the wars with France and Russia, DOW France and Italy to get all their colonies.

Neither is certainly particularly hard to beat, and you can attract the Spanish language military into Morocco before blocking the Gibraltar straits and beating them in Africa. At this point, the UK will become the just European country with area outside of Europé(except the 0ttomans).In Asian countries, Make use of your Indian native armies and your Chinese best friend to conquer every unciv. Remember to get Madagascar early so that Italy does not annex it; similarly, conquer Hawaii islands and Haiti before the Us spheres them. Sth Usa fields very féw brigades át this time, só start with VenezueIa, Uruguay, and CoIombia and work dówn towards Peru, Ecuadór, and Chile. l bombarded Argentina too later, and they today have got a massive army, therefore it's most likely finest to assault them(and Brazilian) early.

The USCA will be great because once you reduce them to Guatemala, they become Guatemala, and you can crack the truce without fees and penalties.In preparation for a huge battle against Russia, conquér Persia and take Libya, Iraq, and Eastern Poultry from the 0ttomans. In the past due 1840s, begin moving soldiers to North america in preparation for the Civil Battle to break out(which usually will in the 50s but it could be until the early 60s).

Thx for signing up for and discouraging JSo let's begin from the very beginningA. Configurations and house rules- normal, I put on't really see any want for more enjoyment- no infidelity, editing and enhancing of saves or non-random occasions- constant fill/saving therefore as to get a somewhat more beneficial badboy outcome when needed, but please - I neither have period nor purpose to replay a particular sequence 1000 periods simply to obtain 0 badboy for annexation claim.B.

Ehhh - nicely allow's find if it remains that wayMilestone no. Deadline established: till 1845-12-31A.Nature of the goalBefore beginning any further conversations on ‘how' I suggest taking into consideration the issue ‘why'. And this is a focal point in my evaluation - I put on't actually like objectives that perform not really provide anything to the progress - a landmark needs to correspond with it't name - to be a defining minute in the development of the project.Therefore why obtaining to top16, why is it like an essential moment in Viki 2? There are usually two fundamental elements of this Ievel:-being in top16 allows colonizing unfilled states - that'beds a quite big transformation to Viki 1, when basically everyone would perform it, supplied he experienced enough sources.

In Viki 2 - there are usually no noticeable costs, so the revenue are nearly for free. Such getting the case I think about the colonization strategy a key stage for the earlier video game of every small nation and partly also a fine free backup in middle of the video game. I mentioned ‘no noticeable expenses' - that't because there are usually quite actual costs related with it and the almost all important is definitely engagement of nationwide focus - thus you trade additional populace for eg.

Additional clergy or soldiers you could obtain from stimulations. You could furthermore damage relationships with another nations, the average clergy level normally falls, costs of training increase etc.

But for simplicity reasons I will think about colonization as free of charge profit;-being in best16 enables causing the sphere of interest of another nation, thus it allow's you state wars on the nations from that world of curiosity. Milestone no.

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Deadline fixed: till 1855-12-31A.Character of the goalAgain the exact same query as last period. In Viki 2 getting in best8 starts a quantity of interesting options:-you can begin your own world of impact, the sphered nations are significantly more eager to ally with you and actually if they are allied with somebody else - they cannot declare on you.

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Like getting the case I think about administration of sphering extremely essential and the quicker you begin - the less complicated it will become to achieve the following milestones;-various other countries are usually more open up to suggest an connections themselves - this is definitely also a good bonus, simply because once again - we wear't want any pointless wars that would not be getting us to closer to get better at plan satisfaction.B.Prestige above allAs we have got a 0 commercial and 0+ armed service score most I can depend on are prestige factors. In the early sport you put on't actually need 100s of points to obtain to top8 - usually something around 60-80 shall perform the work and maintain you where you belong.So allow's observe where to consider them from:-colonies bring 5 points per state, therefore eg. Mozambique will provide you 3x5 = 15 factors, Sena 4x5 = 20 and LM 1x5 = 5;-technologies provides an earlier prestige increase - romantics (+5% and 3x5) and realism (+5% and 3x10) - obtaining it all is certainly quite probable as we maintain on becoming at the front of the technologies hurry;-there are always chances for sáfaris in the coIonies, which pay out pretty properly - over 3 factors to start with and +0.01 reward and later on over 6 not to discontinue.As you can see the main component of the respect needed lays in technology. That'beds why it is definitely so important in early decades to focus on research and plurality enhancing techs, clergy and training.C.Action by stepOf training course when we obtain to best16, colonization process is started. Please note - it's good not to wait around till the occupation is performed in 100%, but obtain 1 of your locals down to Mozambiqué or Sena tó be prepared for colonization support immediately once it's probable.

Additional 2% progress is worthy of all you effort. This is a usually good statement - I will perform my greatest to often possess 1 regiment in the condition I program to colonize next waiting. With 2 local people from Mombassa it's extremely effective and with reduced maintenance costs.Therefore I begin with Mozambique - probably Sena could have got been better (20 factors instead of 15 only), but my 1 regional regiment taken from Mendvi occupation will achieve Mozambique faster, so the military services presence increase will not be dropped at all.

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