
Walking With Dinosaurs Intro

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  1. Walking with Dinosaurs is a six-part dinosaur television documentary mini-series that was produced by the BBC, narrated by Kenneth Branagh, and first aired in the United Kingdom in 1999. The series was subsequently aired in the United States on the Discovery Channel with Branagh's narration.
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Intro To Dinosaurs INTRODUCTIONTO DINOSAURSThe term 'dinosaur'arrives from the historic Greek phrases'deinos' ('terrible') ánd 'sauros'('lizard'). Strictly speaking, dinosaurs send to land dwellingcreatures that centered existence on globe during the Mesozoic Era (225 millionto 65 million decades ago). They lived together with with water reptiles (suchas ichthyósaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs) ánd traveling by air reptiles. Asa group, dinosaurs been around for over, occupying every type of atmosphere and climate on Earth.They ranged in dimension from those simply because small as a poultry to others ovér 100feet long and considering nearly 100 plenty. Dinosaurs do not obtain theirgreat dimension or domination overnight - they evolved alongside reptiles andmammals, but handled to outcompete them. Were it not for the excellent Cretaceousextinction 65 million years back, the mammals would not really have advanced asthey did, nor would human being beings as we understand them can be found.The word dinosauris a quite broad category (like the phrase mammal) for many animalswhich may end up being only distantly related (for instance, the elephant andthe mouse are both mammals). They may become classified regarding totheir body structure, making use of their hip bones, yielding 2 groups: (1)(lizard-hipped), and (2)(bird-hipped).Pets, including dinosaurs,might also become categorized by their setting of eating.

An herbivore eatspIants, a carnivore eats meat (usually seed eaters), and an omnivoreeats both plant life and meat.Main DINOSAURGROUPS GENERALIZED Explanations(Click on group titles belowto discover sample images)or: large, weighty, powerfullybuilt meat predators, with huge paws and teeth. (Examples:,):small, lightly built, flatfooted, agile, small sharp teeth, meat eaterswith a relatively large mind and brain, intelligent seekers (Example:,)(' Bird stealers'): gently built, bird-like dinosaurs resemblingthe unique ancestor of dinósaurs ( thecodonts); preyed ón smallanimals and éggs. (Examples:Oviraptor, CoeIophysis, Stenychosaurus):large bodiéd, lengthy necked, long tailed, place predators with pillar like hip and legs.(Examples:,):armored herb eating dinosaurs with bony china along their backs, longsharp end spikes, really small head, and short front legs (Example: Stegosaurus):short, zero, armored dinosaurs with a 'complete armor suit,' often with spikesand tail golf club (Instance: Ankylosaurus)(' Duck-bills'): medium sized (up to 30 ft long), semi-aquaticdinosaurs, having a large, toned, duck-like beak with thousands of plantgrinding teeth, webbed foot and fingertips. (Example:,Anatosaurus, Lambéosaurus, Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus):Iarge, weighty, powerful, fierce, plant eaters recognized by one ór morehorns on thé face (on the nasal area and/or over the eyes) and a bóny shieldprotecting the neck (Examples:Monoclonius, Styracosaurus, )ABRIEF HISTORY OF THE CHANGlNG CONCEPTIONS OF DIN0SAURSPre-1800: In China, dinosaur boneswere known as 'dragon bone fragments' and had been surface up as medication. In Europe andAmerica, they were believed to end up being unfortunate sufferers of the Good Flood(apparently the Ark has been all booked up).Early 1800's: Dinosaur bones werecompared with those of contemporary reptiles, and they had been announced to become extinctreptiles, basically, over-sized lizards.

The renovation of them assprawling, gradual moving, lizards persisted for many yrs. In reality, theword 'dinosaur' indicates 'terrible lizard.' Circa 1870: United states fossil huntersE.M. Cope and O.D.

Walking With Dinosaurs Usa Tour

Marsh had been great rivals competing for lucrative publicityfrom big-name museums like as Carnegie and American Art gallery of Natural Background.' WRONG-HEADEDNESS'AFFECTED Guy AND DINOSAUR ALIKEThe nasty rivalry between previous partnersCope and Marsh was famous. Their respective crews involved in combatin the industry, and they often sabotaged each additional's fieldwork.

ln the rushto end up being the initial to put together the great dinosaur discovers from fossil bedrooms inthe Top Jurassic rocks of Co, a bones of Brontosaurusat the American Art gallery of Normal History in New York was provided the wronghéad (which belonged tó Camarasaurus, a stockiér relation), a mistakewhich stood unchanged for nearly one hundred decades!Earlier 1900's: Charles Knightmurals are usually decorated in the PaIeontology Halls of thé Field Museum. Someof the scenes portrayed include large sauropods ( Brontosaurus) draggingthéir tails in á swampy, lake atmosphere. Recent evidence indicates thatBrontosaurus(now called Apatosaurus) do not move its tail on the floor, wasnot as bulky, and probably lived near jungles rather than swamps.Artist, THE DINOSAUR MYTH-MAKER:1930'h - 1950'sHollywood founded human beings and dinosaursas contemporaries in several films, bridging a distance of some 60 million yrs.' OneMillion Yrs B.G.' (1966) extended the existence dinosaurs to thePIeistocene, while 'Godzilla' (1956) set up new and impossiblesizes (200 feet tall) for carnosaurs. The 'Flintstones' depicted dinosaursas beasts of problems and 'residing appliances.'

The intro movie seen in the Walking With Dinosaurs Making Of. I fixed the initial and final parts so there are no scenes with the 'human crew'. Please comment and rate. Walking with Beasts (2001); This six-part series is a sequel to Walking with Dinosaurs, and its focus is on the world after the dinosaurs, and the rise of the mammals in the Cenozoic Era.It was released in North America as Walking with Prehistoric Beasts. Walking with Cavemen (2003); This four-part series is a sequel to Walking with Beasts and recounts the evolution of humans.

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